Brachycaulos (9-10")
Aeranthos X Leonamiana with Spike
Juncea X Exerta with Spike
Aeranthos Joseli with Spike
Schiedeana X Baileyi with Spike
Ionantha Ecuador
Caput 8" with Spike
Oaxacana (7-8")
Ionantha Scaposa with Spike (2 sizes)
Houston Dark Pink Offset 5-6" with Spike
Reindeer Moss Back in Stock!!
Houston Hybrid Clump 10"
New Cork Displays! 2 Sizes Available!!
Tectorum 3" FEB SPECIAL!
Ixioides X Aeranthos (Large Form) FEB SPECIAL!
Paleacea X (10-12") FEB SPECIAL!
Elhersiana 3-4" FEB SPECIAL!
ON SPECIAL!!! Houston Lite Pink Clump (5+ heads)
ON SPECIAL!!! Brachycaulos (7-8")
ON SPECIAL!!! Tenuifolia Emerald 6"
ON SPECIAL!!! Streptophylla 6"
ON SPECIAL!!! Magnusiana X Feldhofi (7-8")
Ionantha Vanhyningii Large (in color)
Stricta Purple Heart (7-8")